Sunday, April 14, 2019

Dandelions and Spring things

Spring has sprung, and it's about time. It has felt like Narnia around here-and that may be part of why I was busy having a pity- party of one this morning. The bank account is empty, as I have tried to catch up  on the gas and electric, because as my son has suggested we think Mother Nature has probably invested her retirement funds in utilities and is gleeful at the huge bills we have racked up this winter.

My whining about the Narnia winter has inevitably given way to my misery as the pollenpocalypse makes me remember that ice and snow aren't really the worst things dear Old Mother Nature has to throw at me--ice and snow may keep me from getting out much,but at least I am not allergic to them.

So, here I was wallowing, stressing, kvetching to the universe that damn it, we could use some grocery money, etc.etc.etc,yada yada yada, and I hear a tapping on the patio door.



So I head to the kitchen to check it out. Open the blinds and tapping on the sliding glass door is the 2 year old neighbor. Now, this little guy is one of my favorite people in the world, and it doesn't hurt that he is totally toddler cute and funny , or that he thinks I am very cool. I love talking to him.

His sister thinks this...

Had a great conversation with the 2 year old (he lurves me)

The 5 year  old sister said "YOU speak two-year old?"

"I do"

Sister says "So does my mom, none of the rest of us ever know what he's talking about"

So, anyway, there he was tapping on the patio, so I slide the door open and he hands me a handful of 'flowers'

"Brunj you dandies" he says.

My heart thaws, and I say thank you so much, and he turns and runs off to play with his sisters.

He brunj me dandies!!

Now, many folks do there best to rid the world of dandelions. My late husband and I totally disagreed about dandelions in the lawn. He HATED them, wanted his golf course perfect lawn. Me, I like 'em.

They are a sure sign that spring is sprung, and they remind me of my father. My father, old Missouri farm boy thought people getting rid of dandelions was just plain dumb. He taught me that dandelions weren't always considered the enemy, before perfectly manicured lawns they were praised as a bounty of food,medicine and health for your garden. Gardeners used to weed out the grass to make room fro the dandelions. 

Dandelions are good for your lawn. Their roots loosen and aerate soil. The taproot pulls nutrients from deep in the soil and makes them available to other plants. Dandelions actually fertilize the grass. (I never did convince my husband of these things).

Besides, dandelions are fun. The only flower little kids can pick without getting into trouble. You just don't run out of things to do,like make little bouquets for the neighbor,hold them under your chin to tell your fortune,and once they go to seed and become puffballs they are make-a-wish magic.

Hey, they worked some magic on me this morning, lifted my mood right out of the pity party for one realm and made me smile.

I hope someone brings you dandies soon!

Peace and Blessings,

P.S. I dislike doing this but there is a paypal button over there,just in case. I told a friend once who was embarrassed about asking for help that if we don't make our needs known how does anyone ever know we have needs.The William and I are struggling,and just as embarrassed I am pointing out the button.We are continually blessed.