Friday, February 22, 2019

Cabin Fever

cabin fever


Definition of cabin fever

extreme irritability and restlessness from living in isolation or a confined indoor area for a prolonged time

Dear Mother Nature,

ENOUGH! In the last 6 weeks I have only been out of the house twice. TWICE! First the cold killed my car battery,angel cousins fixed it so I was able to run a couple of errands before the snow and ice came again...and again...and again...

Please, it feels like a movie scene-- 

 Groundhog:  No shadow, early Spring!!

Mother Nature: Hold My Beer!

 Of course we all know the ground hog is a notorious liar,-but, girl, you are killing me here.

My walker does not have snow tires. My canes do not have ice cleats. I need to get out of the house.

 I'm not asking for the world here, just a couple of days where I can run to the grocery store and get a few things for  the empty pantry shelves

A few hours where we can feel the sunshine.

A day or two where the furnace isn't running the gas bill into bankruptcy territory. 

There are other human beings in the world, I remember actual conversations with living breathing people. Yes, I know, I do not live alone, but woman have you met my son? Chit chat is not his strong suit.

We're a bit tired, and weary, and stressed out and we need to get out of the house. So, knock it off. Please?

Asking as nicely as we can. 

Peace and Blessings,

P.S. I dislike doing this but there is a paypal button over there,just in case. I told a friend once who was embarrassed about asking for help that if we don't make our needs known how does anyone ever know we have needs.The William and I are struggling,and just as embarrassed I am pointing out the button.We are continually blessed.

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