Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Best Kind of Gift

I am blessed that I have lived long enough to have my community-my tribe-include avery strong online community. Without them I would feel totally useless and abandoned most days,and they are indeed a gift to me.

But today I want to talk about in person contact,which many people have  a great lack of in their lives and what an enormous gift you are giving when you make an hour or two of your life available to someone else.

This was reinforced for me a few of days ago.I needed help navigating some errands,and the daughter-in-law of my favorite cousin was there for me--not for the first time.

Now the errand turned out to need a visit to more than one bank branch, so we had some extra time together,and for that I am truly thankful. Not only is this young woman a family member--I truly LIKE her and like spending time with her. One of the reasons is we are getting to know each other,and the way you do that is tell your stories.

Now,I live with a non-conversationalist. Oh,the eternal teenager and I have conversations,but they revolve around his interests--he is after all a person with autism.Having a conversation is not easy for him. His world is defined by his parameters, and frankly,how many kids are actually all that interested in their parent's stories?

So,the gift of having actual conversation with a live, breathing person is indeed an amazing gift,and I am forever grateful for the gift of time this young woman affords me.It means more than I can express.

This time of year is a natural time for remembering and telling our stories, the winter season is a time for reflection and renewal. Today, with the solstice upon us, we are reminded that there is a reason why most cultures, from our prehistoric ancestors until the present time have holy days and ceremonies at this time of year. The nights are long, and life has slowed down as the earth sleeps and rests for the growing that will come. We are supposed to have time to reflect, and time to share the stories of our lives and the lives of those who have come before us.We are supposed to have time to be social, and so we honor this season with ritual, tradition, and ceremony.We are meant to have time to tell our stories.

As you go through this season, no matter your traditions, I hope that you will find time to share someone's stories. Take a few minutes to connect with a friend who is grieving, or an older relative, and just give them to opportunity to remember.If they cry, all that is needed is your hand on theirs. If they laugh, your laughter will naturally come to mingle.It may be the greatest gift they receive this year.

Peace and Blessings,


P.S. I dislike doing this but there is a paypal button over there,just in case. I told a friend once who was embarrassed about asking for help that if we don't make our needs known how does anyone ever know we have needs.The William and I are struggling,and just as embarrassed I am pointing out the button.We are continually blessed.

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